LabMacambira is applying to be a mentor organization for Google's Summer of Code 2012. Here we list all the projects with mentors.
Information for potential students
You may choose from the following list, but feel free to submit a proposal for your own idea!
You can also discuss your ideas in #labmacambira channel on IRC network
Our bugtrack is a good starting point to be inspired about new ideas, please take a look!
Project Ideas
The mentorings named below for each idea corresponds to individual affinities or responsability for the trend. In truth, Fabricio Zuardi, Renato Fabbri, Ricardo Fabbri, Vilson Vieira and Daniel Marostegan are mentoring together.
AA (client)
AA is a co-working system written in Python where each participant stay logged for 2 hours by day sending messages periodically about their development status. These messages stay public on Web and are validated by their own co-workers. Using AA we have a system that makes possible self-funding for collective of people working on FLOSS projects.
Objective: AA is a distributed system following a client-server simple architecture. Each AA client is a terminal application that communicates with the AA server, the web instance. By terminal, each developer can send messages and log his activities. All the log is made public in AA server running in Web. By now, AA client is a very simple program written to run just in Linux. Being a software that aims to be used by everyone it would be good to be multiplatform and to have more functionalities. A student working on AA could work on these features for the program.
Suggested Roadmap: 1) Understand the AA architecture; 2) To use AA to understand, as a developer working in a collaborative group, what features it needs. These features could be implemented during the summer or documented for a future developer working on that; 3) Research about how to make AA multiplatform, we are planning to make it a Web app, but you could be more creative than us; 4) Implement the features on the TODO of the project and some of the features listed by yourself if possible.
Repos: git clone git://
Mentor(s): Renato Fabbri <>
pAAinel (AA server)
AA is a Python distributed system, as said bellow. Here we encourage you to work on the server side of AA: pAAinel. Today, pAAinel just displays information about logs registered by AA server.
Objective: We desire to rewrite AA server (actually written in PHP) as a module inside pAAinel, a Django application.
Suggested Roadmap: 1) Understand the AA architecture, it's simple, we promise; 2) Read both pAAinel (made in Django) and AA server (in PHP) and plan how to rewrite AA server as a module inside pAAinel; 3) To develop and test the new pAAinel together with members of LabMacambira; 4) Continuouslly document the process.
Repos: git clone git://
Mentor(s): Vilson Vieira <>
animal? TeDi?
Ágora Delibera
REST Web application to deliberation.
Suggested Roadmap:
Repos: git clone
Mentor(s): Renato Fabbri <>, Daniel Marostergan <>
We are planning to create a plugin to EtherPad that makes possible to run JavaScript (and maybe other languages) inside of EtherPads and to be programmable collaborative the same way EtherPad already does for common text.
Important to say that EtherPad is an interesting tool to civil society. With pads we are creating logs for reunions and documents of many kinds (take a look at our page Epads).
Software para um instrumento que gera sons a partir de dobraduras flutuantes detectadas por webcam
Programa para execucao em tempo real e análise rítmica.
Reforçar ABT + ABD.
Citar Lalenia e coBots.
Conferência Permanente
Plataforma para as Conferência de Defesa dos Direitos das Crianças e dos Adolescentes
Sistema dedicado à coleta e difusão de conhecimentos populares e indígenas sobre saúde.
Translation of our FLOSS tutorials to newcomers
Comming soon.
More to come
Take a look at our creations at:
- Fabricio Zuardi
- Renato Fabbri
- Ricardo Fabbri
- Vilson Vieira