Computational Geometry

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Revisão de 09h11min de 24 de outubro de 2019 por V1z (discussão | contribs) (→‎Lecture Log: log for lecture)
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This is the main page of a graduate level course (Msc and PhD) in computational geometry being taught in 2019/2 at the Polytechnic Institute IPRJ/UERJ. It is generally useful for programmers at the advanced level in the fields of machine learning, scientific simulations, graphics, computer vision and and multimedia programming.

Lecture Log

Part 1: C++ Programming Practice and Review

Wed 9Out19 (twice lecture load)

  • Hello world
    • for loop print 10x
  • Slides 1 Review C Fabbri
    • Variables, arrays/vectors
  • Farenheit to/from celcius program: homework

Wed 16Oct19

  • Show results of Farenheit to Celsius
  • Learn Codeblocks

Thu 17Oct19

  • Print function graph (K&R Histogram)
    • Horizontal
      • Learn how to write max function: non-recursive and recursive
      • Learn first simple sort algorithm using max

Wed 23Out19 (twice lecture load)

  • Due: simple sort using max
  • bucket sort (class exercise). Due. (student juliana: done)
  • Other simple sorts. Insertion, selection, bubble
    • Basic building block: insert on sorted array, keeping it sorted
  • Theory: arrays.

Thu 24Out19

  • Overdue: simple sort using max
    • Did: used max function
      • at first, max function without index
        • Sub-exercise: implement max of an array to return index, recursive and non-recursive
      • did: sort with max function, with index
    • Question: does it work with repeated entries?
    • What is a stable sort

For Wed 30Out19

  • Overdue: Vertical Function graph (K&H Histogram)
  • Due: Insert on sorted array
  • Due: Merge two sorted arrays as warmup for next lecture


  • Intro to advanced sorts: Merge sort, Quick Sort
    • Basic building blocks:
      • merge: merge two sorted arrays into a sorted array.
      • partition an arbitrary array into smaller and larger than a given t

Tasks + Homework

Part 1: C++ Programming practice and Review

Hello World

Celsius to/from Farenheit

Print Function graph (K&R Histogram): horizontally

  • Sub exercise: max function

Implement max function recursively

Sort using max function

Print Function graph (K&R Histogram): vertically

Bucket sort

Basic sort building blocks

      • insert: insert on sorted array, keeping it sorted
      • merge: merge two sorted arrays into a sorted array.
      • partition an arbitrary array into smaller and larger than a given t

Part 2: Computational Geometry problems to practice C++ programming

      • Compute scalar and vector product of 3-vectors
      • Hash tables, Buckets for point query
      • Proximity
      • Voronoi Diagrams
      • Curve Algorithms

Tarefa 7 - Busca Binaria 30Mai19

  • Implementar busca binaria de um vetor ordenado de floats
  • Utilizar apenas linguagem C e sua propria implementacao
  • Bonus: implementar em C++ usando a biblioteca padrao

Tarefa 8 - Ordenacao 6Jun19

  • Implementar o mergesort, o quicksort e o insertion sort

Trabalho: Parte 1 valendo bonus, dia 2/Maio/2019, Parte2 completo 16/Maio/2019 (REMARCADA)

  • Dado um labirinto na forma de uma matriz, onde os caminhos sao formados por espaco ' ',

e as paredes do labirindo sao formadas pela letra 'a' ou '8' conforme abaixo, e dada uma entrada e uma saida marcadas por espaco ' ' ou na parede de cima do labirinto, ou na parede de baixo, resolva o labirinto ou retorne 0 caso nao exista um caminho. Note que tanto as paredes ou os caminhos podem ter largura maior que 1 caractere.

  • A parte 2 do trabalho valera nota e devera ser entregue 1 semana apos a parte 1. A parte 1 eh apenas bonus para incentivar o aluno a resolver o problema com ideias proprias.
  • Sera dado um grande bonus.
   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa   a
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   8   8       8           8           8       8   8   8               8   8
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   8   8                   8           8               8               8   8
   8   8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa8aaa8

Quizz 1: C++ programming skills

General Info

  • Instructor: prof. Ricardo Fabbri, Ph.D. Brown University
  • Meeting times: Wednesdays 7:50-11:30, Thursdays 7:50-9:40, and 15:00-17:00, room 110.
  • Evaluation criteria: at least 2 quizzes (40%), practical projects (60%).
  • Forum for file exchange and discussion: email and IRC #labmacambira