
De Pontão Nós Digitais
Revisão de 11h41min de 19 de junho de 2015 por Felipecabral (discussão | contribs)
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Comandos de impressão

  • Impressão de meta informações das fotos

Imprime na tela todas as meta informações de uma imagem, incluindo tags duplicadas ou desconhecidas. A saída das informações saí subdividida em grupos (Para exif familia 1).

 exiftool -a -u -g1 foto.jpg
  • Impressão de meta informação de diretórios

Imprime meta informações comuns de todas as imagens em um determinado diretório. A opção -common é uma abreviação que representa "common EXIF meta information".

 exiftool -common dir
  • Lista meta informações específicas em uma tabela de colunas delimitadas. Funciona para todas as imagens em um diretório e gera uma saída para um arquivo de texto.
 exiftool -T -createdate -aperture -shutterspeed -iso /endereco/do/diretorio/imagem.jpg > meta-informacoes.txt
  • Imprime o tamanho da imagem (Tag ImageSize) e o tempo de exposição (tag ExposureTime) com nomes e valores.
 exiftool -s -ImageSize -ExposureTime b.jpg
  • Print standard Canon information from two image files.
 exiftool -l -canon c.jpg d.jpg
  • Recursively extract common meta information from files in pictures directory, writing text output to .txt files with the same names.
 exiftool -r -w .txt -common pictures

  • Save thumbnail image from image.jpg to a file called thumbnail.jpg.
 exiftool -b -ThumbnailImage image.jpg > thumbnail.jpg

  • Recursively extract JPG image from all Nikon NEF files in the current directory, adding _JFR.JPG for the name of the output JPG files.
 exiftool -b -JpgFromRaw -w _JFR.JPG -ext NEF -r .

  • Extract all types of preview images (ThumbnailImage, PreviewImage, JpgFromRaw, etc.) from files in directory "dir", adding the tag name to the output preview image file names.
 exiftool -a -b -W %d%f_%t%-c.%s -preview:all dir

  • Print formatted date/time for all JPG files in the current directory.
 exiftool -d '%r %a, %B %e, %Y' -DateTimeOriginal -S -s -ext jpg .

  • Extract image resolution from EXIF IFD1 information (thumbnail image IFD).
 exiftool -IFD1:XResolution -IFD1:YResolution image.jpg

  • Extract all tags with names containing the word "Resolution" from an image.
 exiftool '-*resolution*' image.jpg

  • Extract all author-related XMP information from an image.
 exiftool -xmp:author:all -a image.jpg

  • Extract complete XMP data record intact from a.jpg and write it to out.xmp using the special XMP tag (see the Extra tags in Image::ExifTool::TagNames).
 exiftool -xmp -b a.jpg > out.xmp

  • Print one line of output containing the file name and DateTimeOriginal for each image in directory dir.
 exiftool -p '$filename has date $dateTimeOriginal' -q -f dir

  • Extract all GPS positions from an AVCHD video.
 exiftool -ee -p '$gpslatitude, $gpslongitude, $gpstimestamp' a.m2ts

  • Save complete ICC_Profile from an image to an output file with the same name and an extension of .icc.
 exiftool -icc_profile -b -w icc image.jpg
  • Generate HTML pages from a hex dump of EXIF information in all images from the t/images directory. The output HTML files are written to the tmp directory (which is created if it didn't exist), with names of the form 'FILENAME_EXT.html'.
 exiftool -htmldump -w tmp/%f_%e.html t/images

  • Extract embedded JPG and JP2 images from a PDF file. The output images will have file names like "Image_#.jpg" or "Image_#.jp2", where "#" is the ExifTool family 3 embedded document number for the image.
 exiftool -a -b -ee -embeddedimage -W Image_%.3g3.%s file.pdf

Comandos de escrita


Note that quotes are necessary around arguments which contain certain special characters such as >, < or any white space. These quoting techniques are shell dependent, but the examples below will work for most Unix shells. With the Windows cmd shell however, double quotes should be used (eg. -Comment="This is a new comment").

exiftool -Comment='This is a new comment' dst.jpg Write new comment to a JPG image (replaces any existing comment).

exiftool -comment= -o newdir -ext jpg . Remove comment from all JPG images in the current directory, writing the modified images to a new directory.

exiftool -keywords=EXIF -keywords=editor dst.jpg Replace existing keyword list with two new keywords (EXIF and editor).

exiftool -Keywords+=word -o newfile.jpg src.jpg Copy a source image to a new file, and add a keyword (word) to the current list of keywords.

exiftool -exposurecompensation+=-0.5 a.jpg Decrement the value of ExposureCompensation by 0.5 EV. Note that += with a negative value is used for decrementing because the -= operator is used for conditional deletion (see next example).

exiftool -credit-=xxx dir Delete Credit information from all files in a directory where the Credit value was (xxx).

exiftool -xmp:description-de='kühl' -E dst.jpg Write alternate language for XMP:Description, using HTML character escaping to input special characters.

exiftool -all= dst.jpg Delete all meta information from an image. Note: You should NOT do this to RAW images (except DNG) since proprietary RAW image formats often contain information in the makernotes that is necessary for converting the image.

exiftool -all= -comment='lonely' dst.jpg Delete all meta information from an image and add a comment back in. (Note that the order is important: -comment='lonely' -all= would also delete the new comment.)

exiftool -all= --jfif:all dst.jpg Delete all meta information except JFIF group from an image.

exiftool -Photoshop:All= dst.jpg Delete Photoshop meta information from an image (note that the Photoshop information also includes IPTC).

exiftool -r -XMP-crss:all= DIR Recursively delete all XMP-crss information from images in a directory.

exiftool '-ThumbnailImage<=thumb.jpg' dst.jpg Set the thumbnail image from specified file (Note: The quotes are necessary to prevent shell redirection).

exiftool '-JpgFromRaw<=%d%f_JFR.JPG' -ext NEF -r . Recursively write JPEG images with filenames ending in _JFR.JPG to the JpgFromRaw tag of like-named files with extension .NEF in the current directory. (This is the inverse of the -JpgFromRaw command of the READING EXAMPLES section above.)

exiftool -DateTimeOriginal-='0:0:0 1:30:0' dir Adjust original date/time of all images in directory dir by subtracting one hour and 30 minutes. (This is equivalent to -DateTimeOriginal-=1.5. See Image::ExifTool::Shift.pl for details.)

exiftool -createdate+=3 -modifydate+=3 a.jpg b.jpg Add 3 hours to the CreateDate and ModifyDate timestamps of two images.

exiftool -AllDates+=1:30 -if '$make eq "Canon"' dir Shift the values of DateTimeOriginal, CreateDate and ModifyDate forward by 1 hour and 30 minutes for all Canon images in a directory. (The AllDates tag is provided as a shortcut for these three tags, allowing them to be accessed via a single tag.)

exiftool -xmp:city=Kingston image1.jpg image2.nef Write a tag to the XMP group of two images. (Without the xmp: this tag would get written to the IPTC group since City exists in both, and IPTC is preferred by default.)

exiftool -LightSource-='Unknown (0)' dst.tiff Delete LightSource tag only if it is unknown with a value of 0.

exiftool -whitebalance-=auto -WhiteBalance=tung dst.jpg Set WhiteBalance to Tungsten only if it was previously Auto.

exiftool -comment-= -comment='new comment' a.jpg Write a new comment only if the image doesn't have one already.

exiftool -o %d%f.xmp dir Create XMP meta information data files for all images in dir.

exiftool -o test.xmp -owner=Phil -title='XMP File' Create an XMP data file only from tags defined on the command line.

exiftool '-ICC_Profile<=%d%f.icc' image.jpg Write ICC_Profile to an image from a .icc file of the same name.

exiftool -hierarchicalkeywords='{keyword=one,children={keyword=B}}' Write structured XMP information. See http://owl.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/struct.html for more details.

exiftool -trailer:all= image.jpg Delete any trailer found after the end of image (EOI) in a JPEG file. A number of digital cameras store a large PreviewImage after the JPEG EOI, and the file size may be reduced significantly by deleting this trailer. See the JPEG Tags documentation for a list of recognized JPEG trailers.

