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OpenMVG is a 3D reconstruction software focusing on automated techniques. This is used in AR and related technologies such as ARKit and Microsoft Hololens, and match-moving in video editing for inserting virtual content. It is also known as photogrammetry, structure from motion (SfM), 3D Computer Vision, and uses multiple view geometry heavily. In this wiki you will find community notes on OpenMVG, to complement the official docs.

Building / Compiling m

Build Summary for Linux (24Oct19)

  • Install the required dependencies (see Please edit this wiki page if you had to install more things.
  • Checkout OpenMVG, and make it lowecase
   git clone --recursive    
  • Create a binary folder. I prefer the following setup: to have an openMVG-bin folder parallel to openmvg, outside the source
   mkdir openMVG-bin
   cd openMVG-bin
  • Configure and build
   cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../openMVG/src/
   cmake --build . --target install

Build for development with GCC and interactively

   CC=gcc-5 CXX=g++-5  ccmake../openMVG/src/

Build Summary for Mac (24Oct19)

Mac OS + GCC

GNU is convenient for certain optimizations, extensions and for closely dev with your Linux team mates and cluster nodes.

   CC=gcc CXX=g++ ccmake ../openMVG/src

With macports you can select to what GCC version the 'gcc' link will point to.

With homebrew, you can use something like gcc-5 to pick the GCC version:

If e.g. gcc 5 is desired:

   brew gcc@5
   CC=gcc-5 CXX=g++-5 ccmake ../openMVG/src
  • I carried out many tests with GCC 4-8, and GCC 5 is better for the optimizations I use (--fast-math for trifocal solver).
  • For speed, can try '--fast-math' optimization, gcc-5 is very good at that.
  • I use BUILD_SHARED_LIBS on. Faster linking. Faster development cycle

OpenMVG as a library

  • Careful: If you want to use OpenMVG as a library, you must define your prefix, and not only
    but also
    make install
    • What I do in this case is cd openMVG-bin, then 'ccmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=$PWD/install ../openMVG/src"

Same as Linux currently works.

See Also

  • Colmap: shares similarities with OpenMVG's code, but improved by some of the most famous SfM researchers (Marc Pollefeys' student)